Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beautiful pink cherry tree in my front garden but it never bore fruit?

For many years I had a beautiful pink cherry tree in my front garden but it never bore fruit. Why?

Beautiful pink cherry tree in my front garden but it never bore fruit?
This is probably a flowering cherry only.
Reply:hi some dont mate,they just blossom,there are different types? sounds like youve got the one that just blossoms.
Reply:If you only have 1 tree it has nothing to pollenate with therefore if the bees aren't doing the job of the missing tree you will not produce fruit. However you may also have a tree that only blooms and doesn't produce fruit. Maybe you can check with your home and garden center to see what they suggest.
Reply:Some do some don't. My cherry tree does, but the birds get at it and strip it in a day. Only one year out of ten have I go there first!
Reply:If it's a Japanese Cherry tree then it is not supposed to bear fruit, the blossom is much bigger than usual and it lasts a bit longer. After, it provides a few days of lovely pink snow :-)

Enjoy looking at it...
Reply:It needs / needed to be cloned....
Reply:depends on the type of cherry tree it is,some only flower and never bear fruit,those that are fruit bearing can go up to 7 years in between each fruit bearing period
Reply:It's a hybred, flowering cherry, that was developed to do exactly that, look beautiful only.
Reply:Some cherry trees are called flowering cherries. They flower but don't bear any fruit.
Reply:perhaps you only have male flowers or female ones or perhaps there have been no bees around to pollinate the floweres or maybe it is a type that does not bear fruit.
Reply:Probably an ornamental flowering cherry or possibly you need another tree to pollinate it to achieve fruit.
Reply:even if it just blossoms give the tree some fertilizer see what happens.then you will know for sure if you have a blossom one because if it bore fruit the fertilizer would definetly help it along.

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