Friday, May 21, 2010

What are ways to help pink eye without going to the doctor?

I think I have pink eye but I dont have insurance right now.....anything I can do to help it?

What are ways to help pink eye without going to the doctor?
They have a natural remedy by Simalison at any store in the eye care section...that along with just wiping it clean with a warm damp washcloth. Good luck!
Reply:-Damp tea bags placed on the eyes can ease the discomfort of allergic pink eye. For this boil the tea bags and let them cool before placing them on the infected eye. You can also simply make a little stronger tea and then use an eye cup to hold the lukewarm tea in each eye.

-.Adding a few drops of eyebright tincture to boiled and cooled water and applying it to the infected eye through cotton balls is an effective way to cure pink eye.

-Steep calendula and make a a warm compress to apply to the effected eye.

-Boric acid eyewash may help relieve the discomfort associated with pink eye, as it cleans and soothes the infected eye. Even a warm compress applied to the affected eye can help relieve the discomfort **I have never tried this one, but someone mentioned it***

-Probably the strangest one : pour EVAPORATED MILK in to the affected eye (make sure your use Evaporated Milk NOT condensed. and then apply a warm compress (This was the way my great grandmother would deal with it .

-Boil a salt water solution , saturate cotton balls with solution %26amp; apply to the eye

-Cloth soaked in water, in which chamomile has been boiled, when placed over the affected eye will help clear the infection.

- There is also an over the counter eye drop called ZADITOR.

***BE VERY CAREFULL, PINK EYE IS VERY CONTAGIOUS, was your hands alot, especially when you touch around your eyes.
Reply:Keep wiping it off with a warm wet washcloth when stuff comes out especially in the morning when you wake up...don't touch your eye because you can easily spread it to the other eye and to other people as well. I used eye drops to keep it cleaned out but to some they might sting a little. Eventually you will have to see a doctor and get prescription eye drops to clear it up for good. Stinks not having insurance, I also don't have it.
Reply:eyedrops help, but make sure you wipe off the top for later use so you don't get it time I got pink eye walking down the street and the wind blew up, I tell my kids to look downward when we walk and big vehicles drive by because it blows dirt in your eyes or to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, I use Opcom A eyedrops because I have allergies, I was once told that if there is an A in the eyedrops that they are meant for allergies

Home Treatment

Date updated: December 13, 2005

Jan Nissl, RN, BS

Content provided by Healthwise

Home treatment for pinkeye will help reduce your pain and keep your eye free of drainage. If you wear contacts, remove them and wear glasses until your symptoms have gone away completely. Thoroughly clean your contacts and storage case.

Cold compresses or warm compresses (whichever feels best) can be used. If an allergy is the problem, a cool compress may feel better. If the pinkeye is caused by an infection, a warm, moist compress may soothe your eye and help reduce redness and swelling. Warm, moist compresses can spread infection from one eye to the other. Use a different compress for each eye, and use a clean compress for each application.

When cleaning your eye, wipe from the inside (next to the nose) toward the outside. Use a clean surface for each wipe so that drainage being cleaned away is not rubbed back across the eye. If tissues or wipes are used, make sure they are put in the trash and not allowed to sit around. If washcloths are used to clean the eye, put them in the laundry right away so that no one else picks them up or uses them. After wiping your eye, wash your hands to prevent the pinkeye from spreading.

After pinkeye has been diagnosed:

Take steps to prevent the spread of pinkeye by following the instructions in the Prevention section of this topic.

Do not attend day care or school or go to work until pinkeye has improved.

If the pinkeye is caused by a virus, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work when symptoms begin to improve, typically in 3 to 5 days. Medicines are not usually used to treat viral pinkeye, so preventing its spread is important. Home treatment of the symptoms will help you feel more comfortable while the infection goes away.

If the pinkeye is caused by bacteria, the person can usually return to day care, school, or work after the infection has been treated for 24 hours with an antibiotic and symptoms are improving. Prescription antibiotic treatment usually kills the bacteria that cause pinkeye.
Reply:i think visine . i dont know

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