Friday, November 13, 2009

My cat has a funny bright pink spot that is different from the skin color? Is this normal?

My cat is a tabby and he has been acting fine, he just has a strange bright pink spot about the size of a tack on his chest. Thanks!

My cat has a funny bright pink spot that is different from the skin color? Is this normal?
is it a nipple?

if not no...... 0.o
Reply:u should check with the vetenarian and see good luck
Reply:it could be a flea bite,tick bite,or he could have the eailier stages of a tumor

watch it if it gets bigger and raises up or if it spreads and watch his behaivior such as not eating much

but it more than likey isn't a tumor so just watch it and is it progresses to get worse take him to a vet.

Teeth Pain

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