Friday, November 13, 2009

What does the color pink connote in Korea?

I've noticed lots of Santa decorations with pink suits instead of the red I'm used to. And pink ornaments. Pink Christmas cards. . .

So, in the States, red is more typical for Christmas decor. Red (there) is related to blood, and sacrifice, and passion.

So I was wondering about the preference for pink here. What is associated with pink?

What does the color pink connote in Korea?
Koreans like pink.

There's a bar here in my town that looks like a bottle of pepto-bismal vomited EVERYWHERE!

I don't think there's any deep significance... I think it's just a popular color. And like Boom pointed out, it's a much more "unisex" color in Korea than it is in the U.S.

My boss can rock a pink shirt and still look like the baddest mo-fo on the block.
Reply:if mom put on bed i wear. means is not thinking thing. just wear.
Reply:I don't know except that every time we tease a KATUSA for wearing a pink shirt he insists it is a very manly color.

Of course he also claims the small handbag he puts his wallet into is not a purse...

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