Saturday, November 14, 2009

What would pink blood mean at 9 days into my cycle asked again?

Someone said it's still period blood but I wanted to ask again to see if anyone else had any other ideas.

My period finished on day 6 and we did the baby dance last night on day 8 and this morning after I went to the bathroom and wiped I had a small amount of pink blood. I've never had that happen before. Is it normal? I'm sure I havn't ovulated yet since I havn't had any fertile CM.

What would pink blood mean at 9 days into my cycle asked again?
its quite possible that the baby dance cretaed small teras that will heal quickly.

it could even be hemorroids...blood down there only has a finite number of possibilities.
Reply:umm... i have only known to see pink blood when i was begining my period (3 years ago) and soon when my period ended and stoped for the month i began to see pink blood so either you periods are starting again or it is just ending

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