Friday, November 18, 2011

What color (s) compliment the pink in my kitchen?

My house was built in 1964. I have a pink kitchen.... well, to be more technical, the countertops and the backsplash are pink, the stove top is pink and the oven is pink. The walls are white with a chair railing. I want to do something that makes it look more appealing and unique, but my problem is what will go with pink..... any suggestions? We arent going to be replacing the stove, countertops, etc any time soon so it would have to be something that would go with the pink.

What color (s) compliment the pink in my kitchen?
Pink happens to be my favorite color and I've never thought of using it in my kitchen! What a wonderful challenge you have there!

You could use stainless and grays and have a feminine industrial look.

Make it cottage like, use wall paper of brick in shades of white, accent with a border in flowers with pinks, lavenders, yellows, etc. Use lots of unmatching retro floral fabrics too! The more colorful the better! Lots of white washed looking woods, baskets %26amp; dried flowers too!

Opposites attract. Use a pale green for the main color in the kitchen and the pink will look like it's supposed to be there.

On the other hand, go dramatic-monochromatic! Differing shades of pinks from almost white to deep burgundy red. Of course, only small bits of the extreme colors, it will balance it out.

My thoughts on stark white and pink: makes it look like baby girls nursery! I'd be expecting to see a stack of diapers and bottles of baby powder.

What ever you chose to do, have fun! Paint is inexpensive and easiest to keep changing until you find something you can live with until replacing those pink things!
Reply:Try shades of reds, mauves, or yellows. Go to, it's a very helpful site. You can choose different colors %26amp; try them in the room you want to paint to give you an idea of what would look best.
Reply:I am a scrapbooker and I always love to use any shade of brown with pink. It always looks good. Anything from very dark brown to a light brown compliments the pink.
Reply:I think a darker blue might look nice with it. Just not too much.
Reply:Well, I think I know what pink you are talking about, as my bathroom was built around the same time, and we have Pink and Black tile. What about White and Black. Keep the pink limited to what you already have, and just add black and white items. For example, black and white photos. Black accessories. Maybe a black and white checked towel or curtain. Hope this helps.. Good Luck!! :-)
Reply:I would go for the retro look and add red to the pink by using a strawberries theme. I think if you do it right, it would give a great look to it.
Reply:Silver or white if you want to go with a shabby chic look.
Reply:white, green, or my favorite light brown!
Reply:stainless steel////turquoise//// green
Reply:Black with white accents!
Reply:Yellow would be ok i think. If its a pastel pink, you might try some other pastel shades like lilac, mint, butter yellow or cream, light blue, maybe some silver accents.
Reply:lime green goes great with pink!! or if you want to go for the retro look black and white also go great with pink!!
Reply:I would go with a light grey accents to tone it down a little. The best thing to do is to shop for accessories (curtain material, towels, etc.) that have a hint of the pink in it, but have a lot more of a different color. That way you're safe when you mix another color with it. So if you wanted a "french chef" theme, you would just need to have accessories that had some pink, but yellow, grey, red checks, etc. I would even consider doing a pig theme (Pottery barn has cool accessories) even though it sounds weird, you need to check it out!
Reply:I agree with some- that any shade of brown, I prefer a milk chocolate color, would look good. It tones down the pink a lot, and sort of makes it look modern. I like the idea of adding a bit of green as well I would so love to have my kitchen pink! Lucky Duck!
Reply:you could try different shades of browns, purples, and reds. White would look nice. Even a lighter blue or you could try different shades of green. If you have a home depot or a sherwin williams in your town each website has a place that you can color cordinate online. With Home Depot you can upload a picture. You can use either of these links:
Reply:If it was my kitchen I'd go with different shades of blue. Dark blue, and light blue. You could also use different shades of green. Light and dark. Another idea is to use dark blue and light green. This combination goes well with pink. Good luck in whatever you choose.
Reply:1] get some potted flowers, in shades of pink or white

2] add leaf green - in the valance [ vines? ], the tablecloth, runner, or placemats, the small appliances or covers that are kept on counter, decorative canisters/bowls/pitchers/towels, and potholders.

3] Put up a eucalyptus swag on the empty wall, with some white, and pink flowers.

4]The green will sort of neutralize the pink, without making the kitchen gaudy or dingy.

PS: I can relate - I have lived in plaid; paisley; orange, yellow, and green daisies; turquoise; and an 'apple' kitchen.
Reply:um lighter pink - yellow or white

darker pink - same :D

evening shoes

What is pink eye and how do you get rid of it?

What are the symptoms? And is it contagious? One of my eyes is red and hurts. I’m not sure if it is allergies but someone said it was “pink eye”?

What is pink eye and how do you get rid of it?

- Pink eye / conjunctivitis is a general term referring to an irritation or infection of the membrane which covers the eye and the inside of the eyelid (conjunctiva).

- Pink eye / conjunctivitis is quite common and involves all age groups.

- Problems with the eye can be serious, so inspection by a doctor is necessary for a correct diagnosis.

- Pink eye / conjunctivitis typically starts in one eye and may spread to the other.

- Certain types of pink eye (Infectious conjunctivitis) are very contagious and steps must be made to avoid it's spread.

- Infectious conjunctivitis is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Fungi, parasites, and chlamydia may also be a cause of infectious conjunctivitis.

- Noninfectious conjunctivitis is usually caused by allergies or mechanical irritants.


- Redness in the whites of the eye or red, swollen and irritated eyelids.

- Sandy and scratchy feeling in the eyes with possible light sensitivity.

- Tearing and/or mucus discharge from the eye or eyes.

A physician should be notified:

- if there is pain in the eye, rather than irritation or if the patient feels there is a foreign object in the eye.

- if a greenish-yellow discharge is present and does not begin to improve within 24 hours.

- if an abnormal difference between the sizes of the pupils is present or if the skin around the eye or eyelid is red.

- if the problem continues for more than three days or seems to get progressively worse.
Reply:pink eye is another term for congunctivitis, and yes it is very very contageous you need to get some eye drops to take care of it.
Reply:Go to

there's a lot of info there about it.
Reply:it is contagious and very painful. if you think you have it, GO TO THE DOCTOR to get a prescription. pink eye sucks!
Reply:Pink eye is a form of infection pls dont iritate it by rubbing ok just dont touch it and Dont tell anyone it will disappder --within a couple-three weeksw ok
Reply:These sites should help
Reply:A certain sign of pink eye is having either one eye or both glued shut by crud when you wake up after sleeping a few hours. If you can't open your eyes without wiping the crud away first, you have pink eye for sure.

It's crazy contagious, so don't touch your eyes if you can help it. Wash your hands and stay home from work/school. With antibiotic drops, it'll clear up in a few days.

Q-tips or washcloths soaked in warm water are good for washing the goop away, too.

If there's no crud, it could very well be only allergies. If I touch my cat and then touch one of my eyes, just that side of my face will react. Only that eye will get red and irritated, and my nose will run only on that side. It's weird, but totally possible.

Hope you feel better soon!
Reply:"Pink eye" is the lay term for conjunctivitis. Your eyes will be pink or red, hence the term. Oftentimes your eyelid (upper or lower) will feel a bit scratchy, kind of like having sand in your eye, and also itchy. You might also have discharge or excessive tearing from your tear ducts, that might also be itchy.

I don't know about hurting, I think it's usually itchy more than anything.

But hey, if it were an allergyl, wouldn't both eyes be affected? Maybe it's not pink eye, maybe you just rubbed your eye and scratched it? Call your doctor to be sure, you only have 2 eyes to see with, hopefully forever. Take care of your eyes!

And yes, conjunctivitis IS contagious, so wash your hands frequently and don't touch your eyes!
Reply:it is conjunctivitis.... its nothing major, but you could just go to a physician and get a script for a solution that will take it away within 2 days.
Reply:Yes it is VERY contagious and make sure what ever you do-WASH your hands frequently and DO NOT touch your eyes.

You have to have antibiotic eye drops to get rid of it and use it exactly to the Dr. orders. Just to prevent spreading to the other eye you can use the eye drops in both eyes until it is completely healed.
Reply:pink eye is is caused by either virus or bacteria. Leave it alone and see a doctor if it lasts more than 2 days. If you have a cold or flu all you can do is rest and check your temp. If your temp goes beyond 99 you need to see your doc. If it just dry eye get artificifial tears at your grocery store. Quit rubbing your eyes because irritation can cause that. If you have a bacterial infection you can get special eye drops with antibiotic.
Reply:its bad bad bad

yes it is very contagious and its very annoying. your eye will get all red and leaky. it does not itch or hurt though. i never know how to fix it so i would always just keep wiping it with a hot damp washclotch. right now my baby son has a leaky eye (not pink eye) and i am trying collidal silver tinctures drops in it. it seems to be helping. good luck and i hope you get better soon!

What does the color pink connote in Korea?

I've noticed lots of Santa decorations with pink suits instead of the red I'm used to. And pink ornaments. Pink Christmas cards. . .

So, in the States, red is more typical for Christmas decor. Red (there) is related to blood, and sacrifice, and passion.

So I was wondering about the preference for pink here. What is associated with pink?

What does the color pink connote in Korea?
Koreans like pink.

There's a bar here in my town that looks like a bottle of pepto-bismal vomited EVERYWHERE!

I don't think there's any deep significance... I think it's just a popular color. And like Boom pointed out, it's a much more "unisex" color in Korea than it is in the U.S.

My boss can rock a pink shirt and still look like the baddest mo-fo on the block.
Reply:if mom put on bed i wear. means is not thinking thing. just wear.
Reply:I don't know except that every time we tease a KATUSA for wearing a pink shirt he insists it is a very manly color.

Of course he also claims the small handbag he puts his wallet into is not a purse...

Does the pink part of a fingernail grow back out?

I have been biting my nails for a long time and I am wondering if the nail bed is permanently damaged beacause they've been so short for so long, or if it is possible to grow the pink nail bed portion back out.. I'm trying to stop biting my nails also, so any tips?

Does the pink part of a fingernail grow back out?
I had an accident one day where I had an industrial sewing machine put a needle through my fingernail in 3 different places. It sucked, my nail had a bunch of holes in it right through the skin undernieth. Once my nail grew completly out again it looked normal. I can only imagine if you curbed your habbit yours would as well.

One way to stop biting your nails is to just always have something that tastes horrible on your hands. wether it be a hand cream, or anit-bacterial cream. That way as soon as your fingers get close to your mouth you notice yourself doing it.
Reply:They'll grow back if you give them a chance. Go out and get this special nail polish that tastes bitter, i'm not sure what it's called but i'm sure you can find it all wal-greens and it will prevent you from biting your nails.

What is causing my toilet to have a pink stain on it?

My toilet water looks clear, but the bowl where the water sits is stained pink. What would be the cause of this and what is the best way to clean it?

What is causing my toilet to have a pink stain on it?
If it's pink, then it's likely the growth of serratia, which is a kind of common bacteria that thrives in the bathroom environment. It produces a reddish pigment called prodigiosin. Routine cleaning followed by disinfecting with bleach (add some to the tank, too) will stop its growth.
Reply:Some water is harder than other water. Depends on how the city purify it. You can tell/feel soft water from hard water in the shower, there is a difference.

So, I thinking it how the water do as some is a hard water and turn it brown. May need to clean regular with Scrubbing Bubbles, Lysol etc.
Reply:It's just rust in the water.
Reply:Like a few other answers there is a bacterial growth happening. How often is the toilet flushed? If it's not flushed enough you can get that "pink" in the bowl. I suggest a weekly cleaning,and maybe a bleach block in the tank.
Reply:It could be an iron stain from high iron content in the water. Do you have stains like this under your sink faucets? In your clothes washer or dishwasher?Try using a toilet bowl cleaner with bleach or one of those "drop in the tank" bleach/cleaning tablets.
Reply:It's some sort of minerals in your water.:)

Bleach or Comet will bring it off easily.
Reply:blood?use some blech
Reply:It sounds like it's a growth of some kind. I don't know if it would be mold, mildew, or some kind of bacterial build-up, but have you ever noticed that if you don't clean around the drains in the sink or tub, you'll get that same pink stuff?

Dump bleach in the bowl and brush it real good.

Edit: Just saw Rick T's answer. So I wasn't too far off!
Reply:if you have well water it could be rust. If that's the case you could use the works toilet cleaner its heavy duty cleaner. If you don't have well water it could be from those toilet cleaners you drop into the tank. Once again I would recommend trying the works. I suggest turning on a fan or opening a window because it has a power full odor. also the works makes a drop in cleaner tablet for the toilet tank so I would recommend getting that once the toilet has been cleaned Good luck!!!
Reply:you need to scrub under rim. its dripping poop

Boxing Shoes

How long does it take to recive a duplicate pink slip?

I lost my pink slip so I registered for a duplicate pink slip over 3 weeks ago. How long does it usually take to receive your new pink slip?


I want to sell this car and my friend agreed to buy it, i just need the pink slip!!!

How long does it take to recive a duplicate pink slip?
the pink slip is your registration. It doesnt matter that you have your registration...the title of the car is what matters. Youll need to wait for that in order to sell the car. That takes between 2-8 wks in most states.

What's the difference between regular lemonade and pink lemonade?

I've read the labels and can't find a difference, and they taste pretty much the same, so is it just pink food color?

Thanks! :)

What's the difference between regular lemonade and pink lemonade?
Sometimes pink lemonade has a bit of red grapefruit in it, but a lot of times, it's just food coloring.
Reply:the pink is ------------- pink . the other is ----------not
Reply:the color
Reply:pink and yellow :) idk, i think they taste slightly different, but i don't know what makes them different. pink i think is sweeter, so maybe more sugar?
Reply:Yes, and usually pink has more sugar.

How to accessorize hot pink tiger bedroom?

We're moving into a new house and i want to do my new bedroom totally different. I love hot pink but the room is kind of small so i was thinking of doing one hot pink wall and the other walls light pink. Would white/off white furniture still look good against light pink? And any ideas for my room to accessorize it? Btw .. I'm 15 ... my name's katie .. n i luv hot pink, tigers, hello kitty and makeup. =)

How to accessorize hot pink tiger bedroom?
Really fluffy furniture. With a mini pale pink lamp wooden floor boards in dark red/brown colour with soft wooly carpets, and thats the way to accesorise!
Reply:Hello Katie, your furniture will look very nice next to your light pink walls. Since your room is kind of small, it may be best to paint all four walls with the light pink and save the hot pink for your comforter color. Then you could get throw pillows in something else you like, to add a "splash" of color. Stick to three colors for your room so that it coordinates and doesn't feel too confusing and "busy". You'll need something to hang on your walls. You may be able to incorporate your love of tigers in this area. I hope you enjoy your new house and decorating your new room!!!
Reply:you should be OK with that kind of furniture,

but maybe something like this

if you cant find tiger bedding zebra is a great alternitive

and a rug

and cool accercories

and a spotlight

and cool pillows (that come in many dif. colors)
Reply:I think the white/off white would do well w/ light pink. As for accessories, black %26amp; white (tiger) would look really well but not too much then hit it with spots of a light green in places and a small touch of red would really make the room pop.

How do I get dark blue stains out of a thin pink cotton shirt?

I washed some really dark blue clothes with a pink shirt and usually the colour won't come off because I wash them in cold water. The colour did come off this time and my pink shirt is covered with dark blue streaks and is ruint right now. What's the best way to get these stains out? Suggestions please.

How do I get dark blue stains out of a thin pink cotton shirt?
DYE is your best best at this point...
Reply:Lesson 1. Don't mix coloreds - "soft and pale colors" with very dark fabrics.

Proposition 2. I usually can't be bothered to remove stains, so I'd be inclined to DYE it dark blue as well.

Idea 3. If you are really desperate to resurect the shirt, take the advice of some one / a dye manufacturer, who can point you in the correct direction.

Concept 4. If it fails, buy some dark blue die and either just dye it or get creative and BATIK or TYE die it...

Reply:yep. it was the bleach fading the pants. try washing the shirt by it's self, if that don't work try using a clear detergent with bleach, and scrub the stains out, then let it soak. lastly, fill the tub with cold water, add 1/2c full of bleach to the water. agitate the water for 3mins, let it stand for 8 mins, then put the shirt into the water dippin' it like nuggets, and the blue should run off like a track star.....AGITATE THE WATER, DON'T FORGET THIS STEP.(if you do, you will $%$## up a nice pink shirt)

How much to charge as a Nanny?

Where can I find pink with chocolate brown dots party supplies?

Hi, I am looking for party plates, napkins, and cups that have a pink background with brown dots or a brown background with pink dots. Is there anywhere out there that I can get this?

Thanks for the help!

Where can I find pink with chocolate brown dots party supplies?
you may want to find a party store such as party city and ask them for what you want if you dont see it on the shelves. maybe they could order something for you. good luck.
Reply:Well i work at party city we don't have any plates with those colors i suggest you try some place like" If it's paper " and if can't find those plates brown is a new color this year that they have and mix them with pink .
Reply:Look in the yellow pages under "cake supplies" or "party supplies".
Reply:the best place wud be marks %26amp; spencers.

I too had a problem finding pink and brown decorations and accesories for a party last year, a very formal 40th wedding anniversary. I did recently find party supplies on If you search on party supplies it will come up with thousands, on the first page however there is a party pack with pink and brown, brown background with pink polka dots, now this is very much directed at a couple either getting married or for an anniversary. Wilton in their 2006 yearbook, which you can order from, had a pink and brown cake that I made for my party and it was just beautiful. I made my own candy bar wrappers, wine bottle labels and used china, flatware, and goblets since I could not locate the items in pink and brown. I also rented round tables and pink table linens to the floor with a shorter chocolate brown linen on top. has solid pink and solid brown plates, napkins, plasticware, cups, so on, and at you can find latex balloons, including the very hard to find chocolate brown, for a very reasonable price. I know it's realy frustrating, for as popular as the combo is it's so hard to find. I recently had the same frustration build up all over again, I'm using chocolate brown and turquoise for another affair I'm planning, and this time my results came up with more options... so I'm passing it on to all I can help. I hope this helps, and I hope your party goes off flawlessly!!

What colors go with pink and brown?

My room is painted pink and brown, but I want to paint some pictures for the room. I don't want too much pink and brown so is there any other color I could use?

What colors go with pink and brown?
depending on the kinds of pink and brown you have - a green - maybe lime or forest green might be the missing element you're looking for
Reply:White or even a light blue would look really good, stay away from bold colors because brown is very bold itself ,so you want something neutral to go with your room like beige, white , cream,hope this help. I love pink and brown they go so good together !!! :0
Reply:a nice cream, off-white, or beige. also, try different shades of pink and brown. any light colours would add a nice touch ☺
Reply:I have seen a really pale green with those two colors. It's really modern and looks great. Try looking at some paint chips from your hardware store and see if they look good together. Have fun!
Reply:you could use white and brown, or white and pink.

sorry, but there isnt much that matches with brown and pink.
Reply:Black,red purple, any bright colors could work
Reply:I think that white or blue would make an excellant contrast with the others!
Reply:I would add purple.

How do I brighten my daughter's pink blanket?

Hi! We recently moved from a place that had terrible water. As a result of washing it there, my daughter's baby pink blanket now looks more like a dirty pink. How can I brighten it back to the original pink, or close to? I normally wouldn't care, but this is one of those Sonya Bebeblankee blankets that costs $98.00. Please help!

How do I brighten my daughter's pink blanket?
I use baking soda in ALL my wash loads ! It helps the detergent work harder using LESS and it takes away odors. I would try it, it may also keep things bright by washing any residues out of the fabric ! I would also NOT put it in the dryer.. Hang it to dry...

good luck
Reply:Did you try the cleaner Snuggle? Pink bottle, my mom uses it to soften my blankets and she also uses to make some stains go away. Or the product 'All'. don't waste your money to buy a new blanket.
Reply:Really good answers so far. Or you could try a little under recommended amount of Clorox2 its suppose to be for colored fabrics? Or maybe you could just cheat and take it to a dry cleaner (hehehe). I have a feather tick pillow my mom made me when I was 5 (one of 8) she made us kids growing up out of a feather tick mattress that use to be my great great grandma's that came out here from Kansas in a covered wagon (I should have it dry cleaned)...thats some worthless history huh...let us know Jackie what you find that works. Have a great weekend!!
Reply:You can try adding a little bit of vineager to the rinse cycle. Not a lot...just a tablespoon-ish.
Reply:It sounds as if re-washing could do the trick....I think the Boraxo products are good for this. Watch using Vinegar...that sets colors.

We bought new front loading washer and dryer about 2 years ago...and I hadn't realized actually how dirty our clothes were from the old washer and dryer until they came out of the new front loader was incredibly cleaner. Our whites, from the old washer, still looked white...but when re-washed came out blinding white....Colors came out brighter and so I started washing everything....I would suggest taking that blanket to a coin operated Laundry Service....that has the front loaders....and wash it there, with something like Tide and Washing soda.....Even if you have to do it should be brighter....
Reply:Awould wwwwwww..........sorry about that maybe you could stick some stickerswith a fabricglue
Reply:I don't know about baking soda, but washing soda works wonders on stains. It really helped get the stains out of my daughters cloth diapers. Just use it as a booster in your regular wash. You can usually find it in a yellow box in the aisle with your commercial detergents. Goodluck!

Check out my profile for ways to earn some extra money!

Is reddish-pink a good wall color for a teenage girls room?

i have a different patterned comforter that has turquoise, purple, green, and reddish-pink. i am moving into my sisters old room. i used to have purple walls but i want something different. please help!

Is reddish-pink a good wall color for a teenage girls room?
I say, It's only paint. go for it! don't like it? repaint next year! My neice got to pick her own colors about the time she was 13. She picked a bright blue and neon lime green, then patiently painted big checked x's and o's on her walls. She did it herself and i'll say it took a long time. She learned some decorating ideas, and about hard work. no one had to look at it but her, so why not let them choose?
Reply:Think it's time to leave the pink/purple behind. Maybe time to try something more upscale. I would try the turquoise or green. Would carry you tru the "older" teen years, too.
Reply:I wouldn't - it's not a soothing color. Light turquoise might be a better match.
Reply:Yeah, I think so!!


How do you remove biro pen marks from pink leather purse/diary?

I have foolishly placed a biro type pen next to an expensive pink leather diary in my handbag,hence unsightly mark on new diary. Any products or recommended tips for removal please? Thanks.

How do you remove biro pen marks from pink leather purse/diary?
This will depend on what type of leather you have.

If the ink is on a pigmented leather then the first thing you should try is an ink stick (find one that is a professional product used in the industry - LTT do one). The fresher the ink the more chance you have of removing it. Be sure to check the type of leather you have before doing this as if you use this on an aniline style it will not work and may leave a greasy mark which will not go away.

If an ink stick doesn't work a solvent based remover will need to be used and it may also remove finish and pigment so is best left to the experts.

Using hairspray/WD40 and all these other solvent cleaners is very risky as it can make the matter far worse as it can spread the ink over a bigger area and can sometimes then be impossible to fix.

Using alcohol, perfume, etc. can also be a little risky depending on how stable the finish is. If the finish is unstable this would remove pigment form the leather.

Nail varnish remover or any other solvents will also remove the finish and pigment which will need replacing.

DO NOT USE Baby wipes as they are about the worst thing you can use on a leather as they break down the finish and will eventually ruin it. A professional leather cleaner would never use these on their leather and DFS do not give correct advice on leather care because their staff have no training.

Please do not try milk or toothpaste these are silly ideas that will leave sticky residues on the surface which will help to break down the finish on your leather.

Magic erasers usually remove finish and pigment along with the ink.

Old ink will be harder to remove than new ink and may mean resorting to solvents which will also remove the finish. This is probably best left to the experts.

Silicones/furniture polish are the worst thing to use on leather as they will form a coating on the surface of the leather which will not allow any moisture to get to the leather and will eventually break all the finish down and make it crack.

Leather does not need conditioning it needs cleaning and protecting on a regular basis with water based products this will keep it rehydrated and supple. Oils will make things much worse.

Leather should be cleaned gently not scrubbed so 'elbow grease' will only do damage to the finish.

Hide food will not remove ink and will leave residues on the leather which will attract dirt and oils.

Using a good quality leather protector (one that works) will help make this problem easier should it happen again, it also does your leather good by protecting it against oils and dirt which ultimately make the pigment crack and the leather deteriorate.

If the ink is on an aniline leather then there is nothing that will work if leather cleaner has not. Basically you have redyed the leather and you would need a specialist to resolve the problem. Using a cleaner and protector on a regular basis will help to dissipate the ink and eventually it will not be so obvious.

Good Luck


Leather care consultants to the furniture and cleaning industries

Professional knowledge

Training school for leather technicians
Reply:lighter fuel
Reply:Hey Hunny_X

Try Nail Polish Remover It Should Do The Job ツ
Reply:perfume =] even the cheapys.

also helps in removing permenant marker of white boards =] xx
Reply:i would try nail polish remvoer but i'm not sure.
Reply:hairspray is great for getting biro off but I've only ever used it on fabric
Reply:surprisingly tooth paste works
Reply:I've managed to get Biro ink out of fabric with aftershave.

Don't know about leather, though.

What kinds of freshwater fish can live with pink minnows?

I have a 2.7 gallon tank with only three small pink minnows in it. I am thinking of getting another kind of fish. What kinds of fish can live with them comfortably, but so that my other fish don't get hurt or get eaten. Oh, by the way, the fish are only about 3/4 - 1 inch long.

What kinds of freshwater fish can live with pink minnows?
try this site it has what u need.
Reply:guppies and mollies and neons
Reply:small goldfish i guess. i had a minnow that was 4 inches long before. it died of an infection...
Reply:Pink Salmon ?
Reply:Eat the fish.
Reply:A 2.7 gallon tank with 3 fish in it is already at capacity. You cannot add any more fish to the tank.
Reply:your tank is too small for any more fish. if you want more fish get a larger tank.


How would pink tips look in my blonde hair?

My hair is light blonde and very long (about to the middle of my back). I just got done with my first year of high school, and just for the summer I wanted to dye just the tips of my hair hot hot pink. I would only dye about an inch or an inch and a half on the tips. I, personally, think it would look cool. And if I end up not liking it, I can always cut just the ends off. My mom is a hair stylist and said she would help, but I was wondering which techniques work the best, and what brands of hair dye I should use. I've been looking into Manic Panic. Any suggestions?

How would pink tips look in my blonde hair?
It would look really cool, but you might get tired of it after a while. i recommend using a temporary dye that washes out after a few shampoos so you can "Test the waters" so to speak and see if you really want to do it. Underground color lasts up to 40 washes. That's a little over the month that you can test it out. Good luck!
Reply:Somewhat like Avril Lavigne and her new look.
Reply:Im a guy and I would say I dont think its that cool. I like girls with natural everything and it might make you look really preppy :-( unless you want to be.
Reply:That will be very cool, go for it, but use a temporary dye, if you don't like it you didn't do too much damage to your hair,
Reply:it would look cool! go for it!!
Reply:do it it would look great

How do i crop photos with my pink polaroid camera?

I just bought a pink polaroid digital camera and with my other camera (hp) i downloaded this software where i could crop my photos and idk how to on here. Also do you know if i can use different color shades with this camera like black and white or sepia? Thanks!

How do i crop photos with my pink polaroid camera?
Well I don't think you can do that on a camera. But there are several programs, even paint, on the computer where if you downlaod the pictures onto yur computer u can crop pictures to any size that u want.
Reply:The ability to crop probably comes with the computer just upload the photos and ull b able 2 crop and other stuff.


Why are my clothes coming out with pink stains?

When I pull my clothes out of the dryer [may be washer instead, I'm not sure] they have either pink or white bloches on the collar. It is NOT bleach. I use regular detergent and no fabric softener. Why am I getting stains? Any prevention methods?

Why are my clothes coming out with pink stains?
well, ummm, chelsey is it? to start off, i had this presise problem with my very own washer. This means that you need to start taking showers, i can smell you from all the way over here
Reply:sometimes the detergent mixed with bleach can cause a redding to occur...try using help get clothes white....i am assuming the items are white
Reply:it could be from 1 of the clothes that your washing or your detergent.
Reply:Smething else might be bleeding. You can buy Shout color catchers in the laundry aisle and you wont ever have to sort laundry again.

How do you make the drink called pink panties?

My friend had a drink called "pink panties" at a party and wants the recipe so she can make it for me. Has anyone ever heard of it and if so do you know what goes in it?

How do you make the drink called pink panties?

1 (12 fluid ounce) can frozen pink lemonade concentrate

12 fluid ounces gin

1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

1/2 cup frozen strawberries

1 cup crushed ice


In a blender, combine pink lemonade, gin, ice cream, strawberries and ice. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve.

Sounds Yummy
Reply:The blended version has

8 OZ (a cup, a little over five shots) Canadian Whiskey ( I like VO or Seagrams 7)

8 OZ of Water

One Package of Frozen Pink lemonade Concentrate

Half a Container of Whipped Cream

Half a cup of crushed Ice

Blend until smooth and serve in a Collins Glass

There are a lot of different types of this, but if you had one out of a blender this is the way to do it without Ice cream
Reply:all i know of is a pink panty dropper...


12 can(s) Beer - (more)

7 can(s) Pink Lemonade (Concentrate) - (more)

1/2 gallon(s) Vodka - (more)


Combine over half a bag of ice in a large clean cooler and stir with a ladle. Serve in punch cups.

How do i get the red and pink pigmentation of scars to fade faster?

I have had bag acne on my chest and lower stomach, and no its all gone the scars are still quite red/pink. How speed up the process of turning it's colour back to normal?

How do i get the red and pink pigmentation of scars to fade faster?
use mederma or something similar

What is the name of the bush that blooms hot pink flowers?

I'm looking for a small bush that I can plant in our yard. I know that there is a bush (?) that bears hot pink flowers. Does anyone know the name of it or have similar ideas? Actually that bush (?) that I'm thinking of doesn't have any green in it when the hot pink flowers are in bloom.

What is the name of the bush that blooms hot pink flowers?
Flowering quince (Chaenomeles) blooms in early spring before leaves come out. See

Tea tree (Leptospermum) has tiny dark leaves that might not be visible through the profuse flowers. See

If you can take a photo of the one you've seen, a local garden center should be able to help you identify it and know whether it's a good fit for the sun/soil in your yard.
Reply:flowering almond blooms hot pink without leaves;q=f...
Reply:Loropetalum is a beautiful shrub with hot pink flowers and purple leaves some have green leaves also.
Reply:an iceplant has hot pink flowers, but it isn't really a bush but more of a ground cover...and it has green leaves..but check it out..
Reply:Crepe myrtles also have hot pink blooms, but with green leaves.
Reply:bougindivia? it has thorns or azalas both pretty. i dont think i spelled the first one right though sorry. crepe mrytles is a tree


What color would go good with pink in my bathroom?

My mom got me some pink towels for my down stairs bathroom,I dont want to make it all pink,so what color should I put with it.My up stairs bathroom is black and white.Or should I just forget about the pink and do two different colors????

What color would go good with pink in my bathroom?
Cream is nice, and so is cream and green with pink. Or white. Lavender could be effective, too. So could blue and brown.
Reply:do two different colors(:

How do I get rid of the pink tinge that has appeared on the sleeve of my rugby shirt?

I have a red/white england rugby shirt which has run in the wash. The correct temperature was used, a colour catcher was used, but the sleeve has developed a pink tinge. How can I get it white again?

How do I get rid of the pink tinge that has appeared on the sleeve of my rugby shirt?
try washing it in oxyclean you will find it at your local supermarket in the cleaning isle just add it to your washload as you would your laundry detergent this should help.
Reply:try to soak it in liquid soda before u wash it
Reply:product called colour run
Reply:Biz detergent is great, Walmart carries it.

Wet shirt %26amp; lay it down flat. Make a paste with Biz %26amp; water %26amp; put some on the pink area only.

(u can put papertowels in sleeve so paste doesn't go to other side)

Try an old toothbrush to scrub it in.Let it sit for few minutes %26amp; rinse. (May have to repeat)

PS: do not use regular bleach.
Reply:cut the sleaves off and make it into a t-shirt
Reply:use bleach or some other stain remover available from your supermarket.
Reply:Clorox 2 Powder and a little laundry detergent to make a paste. Let it set for an hour or so then wash the shirt in cold water.

What do you think or a hot pink and bright yellow zebra striped bed room?

i'm thinking of painting my room hot pink and neon yellow in zebra strips. i really like it cause i seen it on a web page somewhere and i really liked it. what do you think of that idea?

What do you think or a hot pink and bright yellow zebra striped bed room?
It be great on an acid trip. I think you'd like it to start with then end up hating it. Plus it's gonna take you alot of work to achieve it just for you to probably end up disliking it. Maybe do one wall.
Reply:one word CUTE!!!
Reply:well, it will be bright - you might need to get a dimmer light bulb so that you don't blind yourself - I don't say that to be mean - it just seems like it will be very bright
Reply:I don't think the whole room would look good that way, maybe one wall, and one white wall, and 1 black, or a white/black wall with some kind of design other than zebra's, or some wall paper with a white back ground and little zebra's.
Reply:It sounds interesting, but make sure it is something you will not get tired of really quickly.

Instead of doing that, why don't you paint your room, a bright color of your choice, and have zebra accents like a zebra comforter and zebra throw pillows.

Or even a wall hanging in a zebra pattern.
Reply:Check out It sure can't hurt.
Reply:How well do you want to sleep? Not good at all.
Reply:If it floats your boat, do it!
Reply:I think that would be awesome!! If you are the rocker type like me!! If you do that I'm going to be SO jealous. But you should. Because it sounds SO COOL!!!! DO IT DO IT.

I'd definitely want to come and check it out when its finished! Sounds real funky...
Reply:It is best to only do one wall like that, because it will make your room look so small. Mos t of your stull would have to be solid and plain colors so that the room is not over made, Sounds great!
Reply:i hate it
Reply:What we think doesn't matter. We don't have to live with it. If that idea spins your crank, then stop second guessing yourself and go do it. If you get tired of it, it's only paint and more of that can be had at any hardware store.
Reply:To each his own. But I think it sounds a bit like it will give you nightmares.

Where online can i get a pink dress that isnt trashy or cheap looking?

Im looking for a UK size 6 or 8 dress in either hot pink, pink/purple or baby pink. Price cant be more than £50 but i dont want a slutty, cheap, trashy looking dress. A dress i can buy online and is posted/delivered to me.

Where online can i get a pink dress that isnt trashy or cheap looking?
Checkout (, ,, and maybe even Good luck :]
Reply:go to wetseal. com or

good luck =]
Reply:Have you tried

It has a gazillion things!!
Reply:Ebay! You can get great clothing items for cheap prices if you have to patience to look through everything.
Reply:this is where i buy all my dresses!
Reply:Now I was in Quiz (I know it's horrible isn;t it!). But anyway, I was having a laugh with a friend and we were just fidning the most vile clothes to try you do on a wet Sunday afternoon...and I tried on a hot pink corset dress. The top part was strapless and the bottom was slightly netted to make it look a little poofy. Sounds trashy? Yep. And it look trashy....right up until the moment I zipped up the back.

Seriously, the old phrase "bad on the hanger, good on the banger" didn't even cut it. It look sensational. And I'm not saying oh yea look at me I mad eit look good. Seriously - it was a well cut dress and on a person it looks good...not cheap and tacky like on the hanger.

This was only a couple of weeks ago so nip in see if they still have it.

Failing that try Click on dresses and it's on page 5. It's not top quality, but it's not too bad shabby. River island also have a pink dress in

Tis the only one I could find on Topshop...looks a bit cheap to be honest!

Not loads of PINK stuff at Warehouse...but you might find something else that tickles your pickle. Pink isn't really the colour of choice this season...what about purple?
Reply:go to ebay and look!
Reply:i would go to and put 'classy pink dress' in the search pane. also try 'formal pink dress'. 'casual pink dress'.



debs ? i don't no the web site they re in the mall %26amp; has colorful %26amp; sparkling clothes
Reply:try Forever 21
Reply:Well depending what you need it for:











3. Check out shops like Macys, JCPennys, %26amp; Bloomingdale.

--- Hope I Helped!
Reply:go to wetseal. com or deffinatly girl
Reply:chanel. or dior. like u can spend a little more.

r u can go 2

cheap and fab...but american
Reply:Try Star Style

Email them if you have any questions about sizing-they're Australian based and deliver to the UK. Prices %26amp; service are brilliant!
Reply:polo ralph lauren?
Reply:I'm not sure if u were lookin for something that is glamorous..but this is a really nice one..
Reply:ill desighn one especially for you @ kr@zydboys fashion for free
Reply:Topshop? Urban Outfitters? H%26amp;M?

Anywhere really.

I suggest Urban.

martial arts shoes

How do I go about giving myself pink lowlights?

I have long (middle of my back), layered, naturally blonde hair and I'm thinking about getting pink lowlights. Could I go about doing something like that myself? Also, is my hair too long to pull the look off? I'm willing to cut my hair as long as it's still long.

How do I go about giving myself pink lowlights?
If you are not sure try wash out products or try one strand. I'm sure you'll look fine at any length. GOOD LUCK!
Reply:cute =)

an Avril Lavigne do.

no i believe you should ask A PRO so it looks nice and not tacky or overdone (no offense)

~cute %26amp; goodluck~
Reply:get some pink food coloring or go to the beautiy salon...DUH
Reply:just look at avril lavigne's album cover to girlfriend

now thats long blonde hair with a cute pink strip

just go to some pharmacy and u can buy the coloring in pink and then follow the directions but fill a bowl and dip the hair u want dyed in it

i dont think u need to cut it
Reply:Haha well, it seems you'd be fine if thats the kinda thing ur looking for, but I do have to say that sometimes ppl love the way something looks on other ppl that they want it on themselves, when it rilly doesnt work

It sounds lk w/ ur hair it would look good and cute!! Now after u read this, please post a link after ur question....that shows a pic of someone w/ hair lk urs :] then i can make a perfect decision!!!

plz- other than wht i hear, it sounds great girl!

How come all the foundations I try have a really orange, pink or yellow color to it?

I have a light tan color and all the foundation I try mineral or liquid alway are really orange, pink, or yellow color. I can't find any that has a natural looking color. What do u think is the best type of foundation I should use?

How come all the foundations I try have a really orange, pink or yellow color to it?
nutrimetics has a large colour line and it is the truest for asian , african american or latino skin tones. if you are olive complected , we may even have something for you there, I wouldn't pick a colour from a website. nutrimetics consultants will come to you to give a personalized consultation.
Reply:I dont know if your going for drug store brands but if you want to spend a little more money i use prescriptives. Its about 33 dollars a bottle and you can get it at macy's. Its amazing, they match the color for you and if they dont have one that doesnt match your skin exactly they will blend colors until its perfect. If you want it to look perfect you have to be willing to spend a little more money. Or even stop in and have them find a color for you and get samples of it, they will last a few days and you can see if its worth it.
Reply:try going to your local department store, where there is a bobbi brown or MAC store.

They have a really wide range of shades with different undertones so they would probably have match for you...

i used to have the same problem as you, my skin colour is very 'exotic' and i couldn't find a foundation to match me in L'Oreal, rimmel, maybelline or any of those drugstore brands. i had to go the MAC counter to find my perfect match.
Reply:try avons ideal match foundation it blends with your natural pigments! heres a link
Reply:it has nothing to do with the brand.. you're getting the wrong color.

try a couple shades lighter.

i use bare minerals.

the light looks orange on me, so i use fairly light. it's perfect.

Reply:I had that problem too! I use one for Olive tones and it is perfect! Go to Everyday and click on the 411 box. You can match your skin tone to a celebrity and it tells you what color you are!
Reply:Try It is really good!
Reply:l'Oreal True Match Foundation.

It's Super Blendable And Blends In To Match The Tone And Texture Of Your Skin.

I Reccomend It; It's Brilliant!
Reply:Bare Minerals!

If my room walls are light pink, and my furnature is black, what color should my rug be?

My walls are painted a medium pink (not hot, but not light either) and my furnature is black, and my bad spread is all white, what color should my rug be?

If my room walls are light pink, and my furnature is black, what color should my rug be?
Grey...NOT pink it shows dirt..Not Black it shows everything.
Reply:your area rug should be white. maybee a fluffy white high pile rug or brown

check out color combinations of browns and pinks on MPC
Reply:Black would be beautiful against the pink walls. As long as your black furniture isn't overpowering. You could also get a pretty pink throw rug that would exactly match the walls, possibly with some black in the throw rug.
Reply:in my opinion, choosing the color pink and black makes the room too color coordinated.

White is good but its hard to clean

I say go for neutral colors like brown or beige, choose dark shades
Reply:well pink comes from red white and sometimes silver so find a range your happy with in that color pallet, black is not really a color so almost anything goes try to stay with three but no more than 4 colors total
Reply:Sounds pretty. Lots of people will probably say gray but I think that look will be too cold. Instead, I would choose a soft sandy color, not brown or beige.
Reply:i would try a hot pink / fuschia/ red or purple area rug these colors would make the light pink and black pop.
Reply:Gray! I think it would look best and wouldn't be too much.


3 white

What ever you find at the store mostly I think white
Reply:I'd go with Grey

What color lipstick should you wear with a light pink dress?

I am a bridesmaid at a wedding this coming Saturday. The dress is a very light pink, and I was wondering what color of lipstick is appropriate for that particular shade of pink?

What color lipstick should you wear with a light pink dress?
Well definitely not pink coz you'll look like a barbie, and not in a good way :) The best option would be a nude gloss with or without shimmer and apply a pale pink eyeshadow. Keep the lips nude.
Reply:Avon lipstick in nude pink - it adds a pink tint and is creamy instead of glossy but isn't heavy
Reply:for a wedding i will not do a lipgloss just

because it looks weird on pictures it all has to do with the way it reflects.

you need a lustre finish long lasting lipstick

possibly a matte

since from your avatar you look to be a fair skin tone gal

try clinique's long lasting lipstick in watermelon. its a nice light pink perfect for weddings.

or for a more vivid young color

try MAC's lipstick in impassioned or angel

good luck:)
Reply:nude or gloss will do.
Reply:you could wear a light pink lip gloss, or a clear shinny lip gloss.
Reply:I think you should wear skin tone lipstick with a hint of darker pink so your lips stand out, line them with a little bit darker pencil
Reply:Something pink with a shine or shimmer to it:)
Reply:this is perfect-

get a light pink lipstick put it on not loads but not too little-

then get a dark pink colour lipstick and put it over-

then if you can get the kind of lipgloss that you can put over lip colour to help it stay on do that.

have fun being a bridemaid!!

Reply:clear, sparkly, peach,pale pink,
Reply:if u are fair...go for a darker shade of rose pink or maroon......otherwise go for a lighter shade
Reply:I agree with using a darker shade if you have fare skin. You don't want to blend into the dress.
Reply:The same shade of pink in a lippy of course!

Have fun!

Reply:a light pink gloss, or maybe a clear one
Reply:Just wear a natural color lipstick.
Reply:any shade of pink lipstick with pink colored lipgloss-plumper
Reply:A pink gloss, or even a clear gloss with some shimmer to it. Have fun!
Reply:just wear a pink lip gloss.
Reply:Lovechild (lipglass) by Mac. Check out the color on their website.

leather slippers

How do I die a 100% polyester tie from pink to black?

I it is a skinny pink tie and i love the tie but not the color it was a gift for my birthday from one of my friends. I have used 3 packs of rite die on the tie and it has only dulled the bright pink color and changed it to a light purple color. Any help, tips, or tricks would be greatly appreciated.

How do I die a 100% polyester tie from pink to black?
You need disperse dyes.

Disperse dyes were originally developed for the dyeing of cellulose acetate, and are substantially water insoluble. The dyes are finely ground in the presence of a dispersing agent and then sold as a paste, or spray-dried and sold as a powder. They can also be used to dye nylon, triacetate, polyester and acrylic fibres. In some cases, a dyeing temperature of 130 °C is required, and a pressurised dyebath is used. The very fine particle size gives a large surface area that aids dissolution to allow uptake by the fibre. The dyeing rate can be significantly influenced by the choice of dispersing agent used during the grinding.

try this...

or this...


or this...

Have fun!
Reply:I doubt polyester holding needs more cotton in it...........Hey I know.................spray paint the tie,,,,,,,,,may take 2 coats.........
Reply:cannot die polyester
Reply:I dont think polyester will take dye.

Anyone know where to buy or how to make pink colored flour?

Anyone know where to buy or how to make pink colored flour? I need to get or make like 30 pounds of pink colored flour. What can be used to color the flour without it changing its consistency - or is there something silmilar available?

Anyone know where to buy or how to make pink colored flour?
try powdered food coloring you should be able to find it in a bake shop or in a craft store tat sells cake decorating supplies. you can use red or you may even find pink
Reply:try powdered food coloring. add some red powder to the flour and mix until it is evenly combined and you have the right shade of pink.

Where can I go to find pink car seat covers?

I want to buy pink seat covers for my car. Its a blazer with bucket seats. I cant seem to find them anywhere! Thanks for your advice!

Where can I go to find pink car seat covers?
Try this site!
Reply:go on-line and google it. you could also try jc whitney. com - all car parts and accessories... there is autozone, and pep boys, sometimes even walmart has silly ones with fur on them...

I like the idea though!!

My cat has a funny bright pink spot that is different from the skin color? Is this normal?

My cat is a tabby and he has been acting fine, he just has a strange bright pink spot about the size of a tack on his chest. Thanks!

My cat has a funny bright pink spot that is different from the skin color? Is this normal?
is it a nipple?

if not no...... 0.o
Reply:u should check with the vetenarian and see good luck
Reply:it could be a flea bite,tick bite,or he could have the eailier stages of a tumor

watch it if it gets bigger and raises up or if it spreads and watch his behaivior such as not eating much

but it more than likey isn't a tumor so just watch it and is it progresses to get worse take him to a vet.

Teeth Pain

What companies would have a HOT PINK plane?

I was just outside, and a pink plane flew over my house. I found it very odd, yet exciting, and am wondering what company it would be. I guess Playboy. It was the size of a commercial airliner, like a 747.

What companies would have a HOT PINK plane?
It looks like Delta has some aircraft in a Pink scheme for Breast Cancer Awareness
Reply:Right now you should see a lot of pink items for womens breast cancer. At Christmas there were many pink candies, there are pink sporting gear, pink everything. All marketing to wake up the masses on breast cancer. I am sure the plane is just another one of these items.

Playboy does not have a jumbo pink jet...they just have a leer jet for the top brass. And Victorias Secret doesn't have a jet either.
Reply:it was probably prince coming home from the super bowl. or as my friends call him............"princess"
Reply:or else mary kay, cause they do give away pink cars to thier employees
Reply:Mary Kay is big in the pink with rewarding their consultants with pink cars etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a pink plane. Also it could be for something like the cancer society. My husband seems to think it's playboy too.
Reply:A hot pink airplane... That IS frightening. LOL
Reply:there are some planes with hot pink liveries, like Song for breast cancer awareness, Delta for the same matter also, those are 757's then there's Hooter airlines which is a 737 or Miami Airways, i'd fprget which plane has the pink livery though
Reply:i`m guessing Victoria Secret
Reply:Mar Kay Cosmetics
Reply:Pink would be more Mary Kay.

The old Playboy Bunny Plane was black and a 707
Reply:here's a link where they have some pink planes for sale on ebay motors
Reply:Mary Kay cosmetics maybe
Reply:The soul plane ya watch that movie they had a pink pimp plane with dubs on it
Reply:um Barbie would be my first guess
Reply:Playboy's plane is gone, and was a black DC-9-30 registered N950PB, which later went to Aeromexico.

Hmmm, a pink plane... Well, I know Delta has their Pink Ribbon 757-200.

Does anyone know of a pink and green cookie?

There was this bakery in Mt. Lebanon, PA called Gram's Bakery that had the best pink and green cookies. The bakery suddenly closed and no more cookies. I don't even know the name of the cookie. All I know is that it was pink and green (also came in pink and white), not too sweet, and would make you sick if you ate more than 2 at a time. Any help is greatly appriciated. Thank you.

Does anyone know of a pink and green cookie?
They are either Spumoni Slices or ribbon cookies. They probably have the recipe on one of the ooking websites like:

better homes and

I used to be a baker and lost all my baking books in a move across the country. Hope this helps you.
Reply:No, but it sounds yummy
Reply:there are bar cookies, which have a layer of pink ,green, and white cake in them. they also have dark chocolate in between the three layers. hope this helps :o)

I have two forever and ever pink double hydrangea plants and the petals are turning green Why?

I feed them with miracle grow every so often but this is after I noticed the petals were going green. The plants look healthy and there is always new growth. I get new petals that start out pink and then turn green. And I can't figure out why?

I have two forever and ever pink double hydrangea plants and the petals are turning green Why?
To the best of my recollection, all of them I have seen do this.
Reply:Because that is what they do. Those aren't flowers, those would be leaf growth.
Reply:they are suppose to do that, the longer the bloom stays on the plant the color changes.

How can I remove a pink stain on my carpet?

My cat ate some catfood that apparently had lots of red dye added. He threw up on my light-colored carpet and it left a pink stain. I have tried everything I can think of to get the stain out but nothing seems to work, including those carpet cleaners in the store that promise to instantly remove any stain. Does anyone have a suggestion for something else I can try?

How can I remove a pink stain on my carpet?
Oxy Clean - That stuff works wonders. Mix as directed then pour some on the stain and let it soak for 5 min. Add a little more and scrub gently. Dab dry. You may need to repeat a few times.
Reply:Well you can try with white wine , normally used when red wine or grape juice has been spilt. lifts out many dark stain´s . Pour the wine over the stain , leave for a few min´s then blot with kitchen roll. Once you are sure the stain has been lifted , Sponge with cold water , then with a little warm water and a drop of your own hair shampoo, work´s just as good as carpet shampoo, sponge the area.Now using the sponge again rinse well with clear water . Now lay a towel with a heavy object on top of the towel . This well help dry up any water from the underside of your carpet , leave over night if you can. Leave to dry with natural air, You might find that this area of the carpet will need a wash again , as sooner or later the water mark reaches the surface. So it might be a good idea to steam clean the carpet after the stain has been removed
Reply:Carpet cover up.

Even the most careful among us manage to stain the carpet. If you've tried to remove a stain and nothings seems to work here's remedy which was told to me by grandmother which worked for me. You might be able to live with it. Find a crayon that matches or will blend in with your carpet. Soften the crayon a bit with a hair dryer or in the microwave on defrost setting. Now color over the spot. cover your repair with wax paper and gently iron the color in. Remember to keep the iron on a low setting Repeat as needed.
Reply:Try using normal washing powder (1 part powder 2 parts hot water) and scrub with a scrubbing brush. I've got 5 children and two cats and this solution always gets rid of any stains on my carpets and its really cheap!

isotoner slippers

How do I clean the pink staining off of my showerhead?

my showerhead has the pink bacteria commonly found in bathrooms on it. I don't want to use any harsh abrasives since I am pregnant. I was thinking about scrubbing it with antibacterial soap. Any thoughts?

How do I clean the pink staining off of my showerhead?
Pour some vinegar into a plastic baggie, wrap it around the shower head and secure it with a rubber band and let it soak for a couple of hours. Take it off and wipe it clean with a rag or scrub with a brush.
Reply:spray with clorex clean up youll be amazed.
Reply:When my shower head get yucky....I remove it and put it in a glass and fill the glass with CLR or Lime Away for about a half hour. Rinse well and it un-yucky. And you can pour the CLR back into the bottle oops forgot something. If you can't remove it just fill a glass or soup type dish and hold the head in the liquid for a few minutes.

What's the difference between pink, beige, and translucent/yellow loose powder from Shiseido?

I use the I00 liquid foundation from Shiseido (lightest ivory shade), and I still am confused about which one of their loose powders will work for me. What's the difference between loose powder colors? If they are translucent, why is there a shade?? I have somewhat uneven and sallow skin, so maybe I should go for beige or pink?

What's the difference between pink, beige, and translucent/yellow loose powder from Shiseido?
It depends on your skin colour and undertones. If you're more yellowish, don't go for the pink. Just match it up so that you don't look like you have a different colour'd face than your neck/rest of your skin.

And transluscent means that it has a tint to it, but light can pass through it. It's like transparent, but with colour.
Reply:its the undertones in your skin.

if your skin tone is warm cool or neutral.

if your warm, youll have yellow/orange undertones,

nutral, beige,

and cool youll be pink

Is chicken in a slow cooker sometimes slightly pink but done?

I was wondering if chicken in a slow cooker is sometimes slightly pink but done. The chicken I cooked looked very light pink but came apart like a tender piece of meat. I thought maybe a slow cooker could have something to do with the color and I'm hoping I didn't eat raw chicken. It cooked for 8 hours!

Is chicken in a slow cooker sometimes slightly pink but done?
It shouldn't be pink in the center, though pink around the edges is normal. What else were your cooking in the slow cooker? Perhaps something else in the cooker "marinated" the chicken. I'm sure you're fine. I highly doubt it was undercooked if if was cooking for 8 hours.
Reply:I don' think it was raw after 8 hours cooking.

P.S. sounds like it was delicious!
Reply:The chicken was completely cooked. It picked up some of the color from the recipe.
Reply:Whenever I cook chicken I find the meat around the bones is always a little pink. I nor my family have never gotten sick from it. It has something to do with the bone. As for boneless chicken breasts, it should not have any pink in it, except for the part that came off the bone. I've done many dishes in my slow cooker, including chicken, and I know it's done when the meat starts falling apart.
Reply:if it's leg meat then if you have red or pink meat around the bones it's fine, just because there is excess iron around the bone meat.
Reply:Do not rely on color of the chicken. The internal temperature of chicken should be 170 degrees Farenheit for white meat and 180 degrees for dark meat. Sometimes dark meat will have a pink tinge to it. Use a meat thermometer.
Reply:Having read your additions I would say your chicken is still raw. If the chicken breats were frozen even partially when you started cooking it will take longer for them to cook. Just turn the slow cooker up to high and wait another hour. Everything should be fine by then. If you need to eat sooner put the meat and some of the sauce in a non-stick skillet and simmer for about 15 minutes. The juice coming from the meat should be clear when finished cooking.
Reply:I've had cooked chicken that was pink from absorbing sauce or marinade. You'd need to use a food thermometer to know for sure.

What to clean with after pink eye?

im just now getting over pink eye.i want to clean all of my controllers and phones ect. and i was wondering what is the best thing to use.ive heard bleach,but that seems like it could be a little harsh on expensive equipment.would alcohol be enough?

What to clean with after pink eye?
Clean your phone, remotes, keyboards, and controllers with an alcohol wipe and allow to dry. Really clean anything you have touched. Wash your wash cloths that you've used to wash your face with, by hand washing in Johnson's Baby Shampoo and hot water (this is gentle enough to use on your sensitive eye area, so as not to aggravate your infection, and will get rid of any bacteria left over). If you wear eye glasses take an alcohol wipe to the ear pieces and the bridge piece.

Hope this helped.
Reply:Alcohol should be fine.
Reply:Alcohol would be fine. You can even us the antibacterial cloths they sell now. Your very smart thinking to wah all the things your hands come in contact with!

leather casual sandals

How can I make a pink flamingo cake?

I want to make it into the shape of a pink flamingo, not just decorate the top of a round or sheet cake.

How can I make a pink flamingo cake?
Hi. You should use a similar technique as you would use to make an armadillo cake like in Steel Magnolias. Make the head and neck out of fondant, which they sell at craft stores. Let it harden overnight. It comes in colors and everything. Technically it's edible. Use a football shaped cake pan for the body, that's what they use for the armadillo too. Use a pound cake recipe, and make one rectangle cake and one football cake, put the football one on top and trim off the edges of the lower one. Use food color for the frosting, or coat it in pink fondant. I would stick a couple pink feathers in the end too. If you want feet, don't trim the bottom cake, frost it blue, and draw the legs on with yellow, as if it was standing in water. Good luck!

ps, they sell the football cake pan at party supply stores or Michaels, Hobby Lobby, etc.
Reply:I dont have a clue how to make one but thats the cutest idea I've ever heard of!! How fun!! Im watching your answers.
Reply:make a sheet cake and cut the pieces out of it (body, neck and head maybe). I would use something besides cake to make the legs maybe i think skinny little legs would be too hard to attempt with cake. maybe some twizzlers or some type of candy? It might even be cute to use strawberry cake mix so its really a pink flamingo on the inside too! I would use a star icing tip to decorate the outside (cover it in the 'stars') circle icing tips for the eyes. Good luck! I'm sure it will be cute no matter what you do!!

ps: just saw the fondant idea might look even cuter and polished in fondant i just dont normaly use it because im not crazy about the taste. It would also be a good idea to use for the legs!
Reply:Well.. first you take some cake mix..

and then you take a flamingo...

LOL sry that was just too good to pass up.

Seriously though, if you want to make any kind of shaped cake that isnt in a cake pan, you have to do it in pieces. It wouild be really easy to make the body of the flamingo, the only problem would be the beak. try messing around with cupcake tins.

I have a dusty pink coloured kitchen (benches and cupboards), what is the best colour to paint the walls?

The benchtops and cupboards are a dusty pink colour, and the tiles in the room are pink and beige patterned. I need to paint all the adjoining walls and don't know what would look good with pink. I don't want to be boring and paint them beige or offwhite.

I have a dusty pink coloured kitchen (benches and cupboards), what is the best colour to paint the walls?
Personally I am a big fan of white paint for walls but if you're feeling daring and want to modernise the look of the kitchen I would suggest a deeper, darker shade of the dusty pink to create contrast OR chocolate brown (one wall of each perhaps) for a cafe style. You can even paint over the tiles with tile paint from the hardware if you don't like the colour or patterns. Then add some accessories (vases, photo frames, clock or tablecloth) in chocolate or dark brown timber to pull the whole look together.
Reply:Given the pink in your kitchen, I'd definitely use a light beige paint.
Reply:I love lavender with pale pink...depends on how girly you want to go.
Reply:A nice sage green with accent of white such as the base boards, maybe vases. However I was thinking more about the tiles you say have beige in them the white might counteract the beige. Since you have the dusty rose, I was thinking a whole rose garden effect for the room. Stenciling a wall with some vines and rose would look great. Fill some vases with either fresh roses or make a nice arrangement.
Reply:I would go with pale sage or celery or dusty green - it will contrast the pink and complement the beige nicely.
Reply:Go to sherwin williams' website and use their color visualizer. Look at the color, Contented. It's a grayish color that leans to the green side.

Bear with me on this, but pink is a lighter shade of red. On the color wheel, red and green are opposite one another which makes them contrast and compliment one another. If I had chosen a grayish color with pink undertones, it would be boring and too much of one tone.

Polished nickel or silver accents would look great with those colors.

flip flop

How do you make hot pink cupcakes?

Does anyone know how to get hot pink in cupcakes I mean how much of each color do you add?

How do you make hot pink cupcakes?
Make a white cake mix and add red food coloring one drop at a time, stir well after each drop until you get the shade of pink you so desire.
Reply:Oh thank you so much!! I'm glad they turned out!! Report It

Reply:Use strawberry cake mix and add some (neon) pink food coloring to it. You can find it, next to the regular food coloring, at your local grocery store...


20 glass marbles or small balls of tinfoil

1 recipe batter for White Cupcakes

2 to 3 cups strawberry jelly or smooth strawberry jam

1 recipe Vanilla Butter Cream Frosting

Red and blue food coloring

Pastry bag and medium round tip (optional)


1. Line cupcake tins with paper liners. Fill the liners two-thirds full with the batter. Place 1 marble or tinfoil ball between each liner and the tin. This will make a dent in your cupcake when it bakes to make it heart-shaped. Bake the cupcakes as directed in the recipe. If you are using marbles, be careful when removing the cupcakes from the tins because the marbles will be very hot.

2. With a small paring knife, cut out a circle about the size of a dime in the center of each cupcake, going about two thirds of the way in. Pull the little plug of cake out. Cut off the top of this piece (about 1/2 inch thick) and eat or discard the bottom. Use a teaspoon or a squeeze bottle to fill the hole partway with the strawberry jelly "blood." Put the little cake plug back in. Continue with the rest of the hearts.

3. Put one third of the frosting into two separate bowls. Color one bowl of frosting with the red food coloring. Tint the other bowl of the frosting blue. Tint the remaining two thirds pink.

4. Frost the cupcakes with the pink frosting. Make it super smooth by dipping a butter or frosting/palette knife in a bowl of hot water and smoothing it over the top. With the pastry bag or a knife, use the red and blue frosting to make veins on the hearts.
Reply:pink food color untill it is as hot as you want it
Reply:Your insert food coloring in the batter of the cupcakes. Here is the directions.

1) After getting a large mixing bowel pour the cupcake mix in it and follow the directions on the back of the box.

2) After mixing the ingredients together, pour 2-3 drops of food coloring, pink(Neon) coloring, next to the regular foodcoloring in the stores (if you don't have pink try mixing red %26amp; orange)

3) Put into oven and wait till they are done.------- WAWLA

Reply:i think u just have to add and mix and add and mix drop by drop to get the color u want!

How does pink affect a person?

What mental and physical effects does pink have on a person? I have heard that in some prisons they used to use pink to keep the prisoners calm and inactive, but that over long periods of time it will reverse itself and make them more aggressive. Anyone know the real scoop?

How does pink affect a person? %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

The Color Psychology of Pink

Pink is essentially a light red and is usually associated with love and romance.

Pink is thought to have a calming effect. One shade known as “drunk-tank pink” is sometimes used in prisons to calm inmates. Sports teams sometimes paint the opposing teams locker room pink to keep the players passive and less energetic.

While pink’s calming effect has been demonstrated, researchers of color psychology have found that this effect only occurs during the initial exposure to the color. When used in prisons, inmates often become even more agitated once they become accustomed to the color.

This is really interesting........

The Physiological Effect of Color on the Suppression of Human Aggression:

Research on Baker-Miller Pink

Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.

Director, A.I.B.R. Life Sciences

American Institute for Biosocial Research, Inc.

Tacoma, Washington

for the whole article go here%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Reply:I Didnt Did Effect Anyone.
Reply:some guys looks hot in pink, and i never heard of the prisoners thing
Reply:I've have never heard of such a thing.
Reply:I really don't think this true, but i know that pink is a great color. It shows your manlyness for wearing it. I think that all you heard about calming you down, is just something made up and fake.
Reply:it makes them puke
Reply:It makes me happy hence the name %26lt;prettynpink! it is my favorite color! But then you have to think it's not everyones favorite color so it can affect them differently, seeing how it makes that girl want to puke!
Reply:It makes me swoon and stare off into space. And then I start to seek lime green to counteract it.

Also it makes me go out and wander the halls and peek into people's peek-holes.

I have a computer program that allows me to generate tons of pink on the monitor.

I shall soon commence a study of all this, and investigate not only pink up also powder blue and cyan, and neon red; but it's all complicated by the fact that --hold on, please I seem to have lost my train of thought.
Reply:i know this source is cheesy, but the simpsons have that episode where Homer is placed in the psyciatric ward because he wears pink to work... And i do believe that Matt Groening does tell the truth in his episodes, and that's the message that the episode is portraying to the viewers.

also, if they use it on aggresive men in jail, it will eventually make them calmer, but put them in a state of mind where any type of physical activity or threats to their well being will trigger off different emotions reactions.
Reply:it makes a person feel loving, maybe being in a loving mood makes them angry after a while


Pink is used in color therapy for treating psychological problems like melancholy, depression and world-weariness. It is helpful in these areas due to its ability to instill in the user a sense of being nurtured, loved and made secure. As such it is a powerful building block for helping individuals take those tentative first stops back to a full and healthy interaction with the world at large. Pink energy will also help put individuals in the mind set of sharing with and caring for others. It is a deeply calming and restorative treatment.
Reply:mmmm makes you look more feminine (girls dig it)
Reply:By those who study color in a spiritual manner, pink is referred to as the color of cosmic or universal is recognized as a powerful color although it does not have a true home in the chakras.

As to its effects, it is one of those colors whose affect on people is closely tied to their psychological imprint of it...for example, a few years ago people who were anti-Britney Spears would have been more repelled by the color due to her misuse of it...if a person already has a strong aversion to it (a slight aversion could become strong over time), he will tend only to repel it further, rather than gaining an appreciation for it. Aversion of such a color cannot be changed by immersion, it must be done in spurts %26amp; over time.

Pink is warming and soothing generally, but most people already have a predisposition (usually the wrong one) as to what it symbolizes, so it can be difficult to use in therapeutic settings. In such times, I suggest using it minimally, as an accent, rather than as the primary color in a large room.

Some of its calming effect is that it is a pastel color. Again, people are not always ready to take on that softness of character, such as pink has.

Using pink to calm prisoners was too much of a quick fix. They weren't getting a long term solution because they really needed was for the prisoners to learn ways of experiencing all of the colors in a healthy's like going to therapy once and thinking that the one session will end your problems forever.

Why do my clothes get pink stains in the washer?

Most of my clothes,especially whites, get pink stains everytime after a wash. It has ruined many of my husband's T-shirts and mine as well and I almost resorted to throwing them out. We moved into the apartment 6 months ago and the washer-dryer is there already. Even my coloured clothes have problems. My husband thinks it's my washing technique that caused this problem, but I never had this problem when I used an older model before moving to this new place. Can someone please tell me what is wrong? We are contemplating to get a new washer.

Why do my clothes get pink stains in the washer?
It may actually be the water that is staining the clothing. We had a problem years ago with the water having to much iron in it and had to get tablets to put in the water filter to help eliminate this problem.

I would ask your landlord about the machine as well considering it could be a number of things...oh and tell your husband to do the laundry to see if it your technique that is damaging the clothing.....I am sure he will get the same result you did.
Reply:Im pretty sure what youre describing is bleach thats left in your washer, or mistakenly added in, getting on your colored clothes. Be careful what youre using!
Reply:Run the washer through the complete cycle, without clothes, using a small amount of bleach in the wash cycle. It sounds like you are either using too much bleach or putting it in after you put the clothes in. Put the bleach in first then water then add the clothes. Read the label on the bottle to see how much bleach you should use.
Reply:You must be washing them with something red. Do white's and light colors together, Dark colors together.
Reply:First and foremost, always, always separate your clothes before washing. Now I'm sure you do that but sometimes, I've accidentally had an article of color clothing end up in the wash with my whites so make sure there's nothing clinging when you wash.

Now if that doesn't work, you'll need to clean your washing machine by doing the following: run a cycle of hot water along with two cups of lemon juice or vinegar (white). Remove the fabric softener receptacle and soak in it hot water and detergent. Clean the bleach dispenser with a spray cleaner, paper towels and q-tips. Also clean the top rim of wash bucket as it is up and under where you can't see it and it does get dirty. Run the washer empty on the hot water cycle once again. Check all hoses and connections making sure there's no rotting of the hoses. After all is done, hopefully you will have solved the problem.

Good Luck !
Reply:Try running your washer for one cycle using vinegar (diluted of course). This will clean a lot of built-up gunk from the tub and lint catcher.

Then separate your clothes and do a small load to see if one cleaning helped.

If that doesn't work, you may have gotten a washer with something caught in the water recycling system (a red sock maybe?). A repairman could retrieve it for you if your husband is not handy. He doesn't sound handy if he blames your previously perfect washing techniques. I still laugh when I remember my husband yelling at me for shrinking all his clothes. The forty pounds he had gained had nothing at all to do with it.
Reply:Washing colors with whites in warm water can cause the colors to bleed onto the whites.
Reply:If you are washing your whites as a seperate load and they are coming out pink then there is something in the washing machine that is causing the problem. My first guess is that the former tennant used the machine to dye something. In any event, that machine is going to keep staining your clothes. My advice would be to get rid of the thing. After all, a load or two of clothes can be worth more than a new machine.